
A scientific and practical conference was held at the Kyzylorda Higher Medical College of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On October 9, 2024, the Kyzylorda Higher Medical College of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted a scientific and practical conference "Modern challenges of training and professional implementation of specialists in post-secondary technical and vocational education in the field of healthcare".


There was an international conference on the development of nursing science

On July 9-10, 2024, an international conference on the development of nursing science, “The Future of Science in Nursing in the Kyrgyz Republic,” was held with the participation of experts from WHO collaboration centers. The conference was held offline and online and discussed current issues and prospects for the development of nursing. The conference was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Health and Education and Science, the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, the Association of Medical Colleges in Kyrgyzstan, the Professional Association of Nurses, and teachers of pilot medical colleges.



"Use of new technologies in the educational process" scientific and practical conference

On May 10, 2024, medical colleges that are members of the Association of Medical Colleges in Kyrgyzstan participated in the scientific-practical conference entitled "Using new technologies in the educational process" organized in connection with the 85th anniversary of Osh State University. At the conference organized for the exchange of mutual experience within the framework of academic mobility, medical colleges got acquainted with the material and technical base of OshMU and new technologies used during classes at the medical faculty and college.


Visit of the delegation of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Republic of Kazakhstan to exchange experience

On November 29-30, the Republic of Kazakhstan was visited by a delegation consisting of E. Boronbaeva, N. Zhusupbekova from the Ministry of Health, A. Naimanbaev from the Ministry of Education, Chairman of the KMKA O. Stanbaev and directors of pilot colleges on a visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan with the support of the MER project to exchange experiences. 


95 years of Bishkek Medical College named after A. Moldagaziev

On November 21, 2023, the scientific-practical conference "Reforms in the training of secondary medical and pharmaceutical educated personnel in the Kyrgyz Republic" dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Bishkek Medical College named after A. Moldagaziev, and on November 22, the Volleyball Cup of the Association of Medical Colleges of Kyrgyzstan was held. 


International scientific and practical conference "Globalization and internationalization of science and knowledge"

On May 26, 2023, Chairman of the Association of Medical Colleges of Kyrgyzstan O.T. Stanbaev took part in the international scientific and practical conference “Globalization and internationalization of science and education” as part of the scientific event “K.Sh. Toktomatov”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the International University named after K.Sh. Toktomatov and the 75th anniversary of the founder of the university


International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Atyrau Higher Medical College of the Republic of Kazakhstan

May 5, 2023 сhairman of the Association of Medical Colleges in Kyrgyzstan Stanbaev Ozgonbay Tillabaevich paid a visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan and participated in the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Atyrau Higher Medical College on the topic "Development of nursing work: opportunities, problems, future". The conference was attended by representatives of the healthcare sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan, specialists from far and near foreign countries: Russia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. At the conference, O.T.Stanbaev made a report on "Reforms in secondary medical education in the Kyrgyz Republic".


International scientific and practical conference "NURSING TECHNOLOGIES: INNOVATIONS, IMPLEMENTATION INTO PRACTICE"

On April 25, 2023, Chairman of the Association of Medical Colleges of Kyrgyzstan Stanbaev Ozgonbay Tillabaevich participated in the international scientific and practical conference entitled "NURSING TECHNOLOGIES: INNOVATIONS, IMPLEMENTATION INTO PRACTICE" held in the Republic of Kazakhstan and made a presentation.


A scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of secondary medical education and development prospects"

On December 16, 2022, Bishkek hosted a scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of secondary medical education and development prospects" with the participation of directors of medical colleges and representatives of the Ministry of Health, the MER Project, the Korean Project. Employers and foreign partners interested in cooperation discussed Current problems in secondary medical colleges and adopted a resolution. At the conference, the President of the Association of Medical Colleges of Kyrgyzstan O.T. Stanbaev made a presentation on "Introduction of a clinical mentoring program in the organization of educational and industrial practice".



The 63rd anniversary of the first heart surgery in Central Asia

On May 19, 2022, a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 63rd anniversary of the first heart surgery in Central Asia was held at Jalal-Abad State University named after B. Osmonov.



Bishkek Medical College. "Actual problems and prospects of the country's development through the eyes of students of the Kyrgyz Republic"

On March 23, 2022, the Bishkek Medical College held a student scientific and practical conference on the topic "Actual problems and prospects of the country's development through the eyes of students of the Kyrgyz Republic". Students of the Kyrgyz Republic took an active part. 




On October 25-27, 2021 on the basis of Mailuu-Suu Medical College the Republican scientific and practical conference "Prospects for the development of nursing: science, education, practice" was held.

The conference was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Medical Personnel (IPKiPMK) and practical health care, the the Faculty of Higher Nursing , directors of professional associations and medical colleges.